Membership Dues

Dues are still only $18 per individual and/or household. Membership dues are $18 per year per household, beginning in January of each calendar year. For more information, contact the club by mail or attend a meeting. To join, fill out a membership application and send it with your dues to the address below, or come the the next meeting and join.  Member benefits include electronic club newsletters containing information about club activities, club field trip information, club lapidary equipment use, annual show opportunities, silent auction opportunities, and the annual club summer picnic. Your receipt is your new annual FMC membership card.

FMC Membership Form

You can pay in two ways:

PAY Gerry Naugle, Treasurer and Membership Chair, at any FMC monthly meeting. Gerry sits at or near the sign-in table when you enter the room for the monthly meetings.

SEND a check made to “Flatirons Mineral Club” or “FMC” to P.O. Box 3331, Boulder, CO 80307. Please do not send cash in the mail.