Club Field Trips

An exciting aspect of being a club member is being able to participate in club-sponsored field trips. During the months of June, July, and August the weekends are filled with collecting trips to locations within 6 or 7 hours of Boulder.

Consider carpooling: Carpooling cuts down on the number of cars at these locations, saves gas and money, and makes the trips more enjoyable. Remember to give the driver some money towards the gas.

Collect grab bad specimens: The rock clubs in the area assemble cloth bags full of mineral specimens that have been cleaned, bagged, and labeled in order to sell them at the rock shows. The grab bag sales go into our club’s education funds.

We put together 1,000 grab bags each year and they each contain 9 specimens. Yes, we need around 9,000 pieces of rocks and minerals every year to fulfill our grab bag needs for the Denver Gem and Mineral Show and our own show!

Please wash the rocks you collect, bag them, and label the bags with the name of the rock or mineral and where they were collected. Then contact Anita to get them to her at or 720-556-9889.