Welcome to the FMC

The Flatirons Mineral Club is a non‐profit organization which is dedicated to developing and maintaining interests in Earth science and associated hobbies. The purpose of this Club includes, but is not limited to, studying geology and Earth science, teaching others about our hobby, including young people, collecting gem, mineral, and fossil specimens, and learning lapidary skills. Find Out More

Membership dues are $18 per year per household, beginning in January of each calendar year. For more information, contact the club by mail or attend a meeting. To join, fill out a membership application and send it with your dues to the address below, or come to the next meeting and join.

The general meetings of the club usually occur at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month except June, July, August, and September. All meetings are held at the Mountain View Methodist Church, 355 Ponca Place, Boulder, CO 80303,

*The annual FMC picnic is always scheduled on the 3rd Saturday on August and will be held at Harlow Platts Park.

Thanks for Craig Hazelton for the use of his photo of the Flatirons.